The University of Oxford, the Joint Nature Conservation Committee and the Valuing Nature Programme published the report "Mainstreaming international biodiversity goals for the private sector". It outlines fourteen case studies to demonstrate the translatability of business actions on biodiversity across multiple contexts.
Five international goals for biodiversity, which encompass features of multiple Multilateral Environmental Agreements (such as the Convention on Biological Diversity) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), have been established to direct governments and inspire wider society to take steps towards the conservation of biodiversity. The goals represent clear statements about what aspects of biodiversity require immediate action to reverse the ongoing global decline of biodiversity and frame biodiversity not solely as a conservation issue by embedding biodiversity across multiple areas of social and economic development. The project team used fourteen case studies to illustrate these actions and translate them across different business sectors in relation to varying scales, locations, and forms of biodiversity.
The aim of the work from the three insitutions is to help the international biodiversity goals become significantly more visible and relevant to everyday business activities. The report is aimed at businesses already undertaking actions for biodiversity, helping make the links between their actions and international policy clearer; and for businesses commencing their journey in exploring relevant actions that they could undertake to address their impacts and dependencies on nature and contribute to the international biodiversity goals.
Smith, T., Addison, P., Smith, M. & Beagley, L., (2018), Mainstreaming international biodiversity goals for the private sector, JNCC Report 613